Lieve De Nil grew up in Belgium where she worked as a certified French teacher. She has been teaching French in Canada for over 30 years. After obtaining a Masters Degree in French Literature, she started teaching French conversation, French pronunciation and grammar at the University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies in 1990, where she was honoured with an Excellence in Teaching award. She specializes in teaching conversation classes to adults based on current events and timely topics. Lieve reaches out to the very broad community of adult learners in Toronto’s West End and offers them a challenging and stimulating language learning environment.
Kelly O’Neil
"I enjoyed being at your table so much and spread the word of your excellent, topical lessons whenever I can. I cannot believe that a cruise ship collided with a dock not long after you chose an article about the controversy of large cruise ships in Venice. With much fondness for a remarkable, passionate teacher and wishing you all a most happy return to learning the french Language in the most enjoyable way possible (without actually being in France!)."
Nancy Van Keerbergen
"Je voudrais te dire que je suis très contente de parler français. Grâce à toi et à tes très bonnes leçons, je trouve que je suis beaucoup plus courageuse quand je parle français. Ce qui me plait, surtout, c'est que je peux souvent comprendre ce que les gens me disent en France et ils me comprennent aussi!! Merci, Lieve!"
Karen McGill